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Sunday, December 13, 2009

How to: install click wheel ipod classic App for iPhone

All the iPhone users: even though you have a wonderful multi touch interface, dont you ever like to own an iPod classic just because it is a classic mp3 player and is iconic in its own way.
The cydia store now has an unique app for jailbroken users which allows u have a click whell enabled interface where you can browse your music in an ipod classic way. The best part is that this one runs in the background just like your native music app.
Here's a how to regrading the download and install of this nice little app:
Step1: You must have iPhone OS 3.1.2 running on your device in order to use this. So make sure you first do that.

Click on the cydia icon.

Under manage, click on sources

Click on edit and then click add to enter a source

In the text box that appears, add the following source:

Now browse the newly added repository for the iClassic app.
Click install and add the app to your device.
Here's how the app looks like.(The app is added to one of your home screens)


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