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Thursday, April 29, 2010

How to: Adding shutdown shortcut on windows 7

Since windows vista, Accessing the shutdown and restart buttons hasn't been so easy. With the new taskbar features in Windows 7, we can solve this by pinning a shortcut of shutdown to the taskbar. Here's a How-to:

On your desktop,right click and navigate to create a new shortcut. In the location text box, type the following:

shutdown.exe -s-t00

Click next and you can give the name of your choice for the shortcut.

example: Shutdown

Click OK and you are done.

On the Desktop, right click on the icon and click properties. Navigate to the shortcut tab and click on the change icon button at the bottom of dialog box.Choose from the available options and assign an icon for the shortcut.

Once again,On your desktop, right click the icon and click "pin to Taskbar"

The shutdown button now appears in the taskbar.

Click on the button anytime to shutdown your PC.

Note: The same procedure can be applied for restart as well with the following piece of command:

shutdown.exe -r-t00

Also, you can apply this trick on any windows PC(and not just windows 7) but the "pin to taskbar" feature will not be available though.

Do you have any other useful shortcuts in mind? Do share them in the comments section.

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