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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Run TurboC in full screen mode and Play DOS games in WIndows 7 using DOSBOX

 Performance is not to the fullest yet in Windows 7. There have been quite a lot of compatibility issues in 7. One of the most common problem is the inability to run Turbo C compilers in full screen mode and the issues with DOS games(yes we all love some of those games still and we want them badly). There are DoS games which don't run at all in 7. With a few simple steps you can resolve these issues. 

What you need:
> DOS BOX software ( Click here to Download)
  1.  Install DOS BOX.
  2.  Download TURBO C compiler (click here to Download)
  3.  On your desktop, Right-click and navigate to new > shortcut.
  4.  In the location text box, type in or copy-paste the location of the exe file of  your DOS BOX software( within double quotes).Leave a space and type in the  location of the Turbo C.exe file(within double quotes) >>  Example shown in the pic below (your location path can vary depending on where your files are located)
5.   Give your shortcut a name and your shortcut is ready.
6.   When you have opened the shortcut, DOSBOX opens the compiler for you in this case. Press          Alt-Enter to toggle between Fullscreen and normal modes.

NOTE: I recommend that you download the Turbo C listed in step 2. It has all the include and lib files in a single folder. 

In order to run DOS games in Windows 7, repeat the above steps. Remember to enter the appropriate location of the Install folder of the DOS game as instructed in step 4.

There are a few alternative methods which can be found on the web but this is one of the easiest methods to do it.
