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Friday, October 14, 2011

How to: Move all your Google contacts to iCloud

Right after I updated my iPhone 4 to iOS 5, I was greeted with iCloud and its syncing options. I enabled all options and thought I was good to go; before iCloud settings threw a warning that it will not merge my Exchange (google sync) contacts with icloud contacts. The problem is that I don't have any contact groups which  reside natively on my phone. All my contacts reside on google's servers. Since I had now enabled syncing of contacts on both iCloud and Google sync, it got a little messy- some contacts got uploaded to iCloud and the rest were in google contacts. Here's a step-by-step procedure to move all your google as well as phone contacts to iCloud:
  1.  Delete your iCloud account from your iDevice if you have added one.
  2. Connect your device to iTunes on PC/mac.
  3. Under the info tab, check "sync contacts" and select Google calendar from the dropdown menu.
  4. Now, when the sync is complete, eject your device and go to contacts app.
  5. You will see that there is a group called "Contacts from my PC" along with an "All contacts" group.
  6. Now in the settings app, go to Mail,contacts,calendar > your google sync/exchange account > Delete account or you can simply select to switch off contacts in the sync list.
  7. A warning will pop up asking you whether you want to delete or keep all the contacts. Tap "Delete contacts".
  8. Now in your contacts app, all you will be left with is one group - which is "All contacts".
  9. Next, go to settings> icloud and sign into your iCloud account. Choose to sync whatever data you want including contacts. 
  10. Now all your contacts have been moved from Google to iCloud. A small refresh button can be found in the top left corner of the contacts app when iCloud sync is enabled.
  11. When you decide to enable google sync later on, it will be best to turn off contacts sync and just get mail and calendar events pushed. 

Thanks for reading :-)

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